Sign the bear protection
Had 29496 who pledged to protect Vietnam's bear species from extinction
General introduction
Vietnam is home to two species of bears: the Sun Bear (Ursus Thibetanus) and the Sun Bear (Helarctos malayanus).
{"0":{"name":"Bear farming and bear bile industry","short_content":"Bears are hunted from the wild and sold to bear farms for captive and bile exploitation for the needs of users.\n"},"1":{"name":"Traveling bear farm","short_content":"Bears are also kept in captivity, bear body parts are used for food, or soaked in alcohol and sold at business establishments.\n"}}
Sun bears and sun bears are two species included in Appendix I - CITES's list of the most endangered animals - the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. International trade in individuals and products from these two species of bears between the countries of the Convention, including Vietnam, is strictly prohibited.
In Vietnam, both bear species are listed in the List of endangered precious and rare species prioritized for protection issued together with Decree 160/2013 / ND-CP (amended and supplemented by Decree 64 / 2019 / ND-CP) - the highest level of protection prescribed by Vietnamese law. Accordingly, all acts of hunting, killing, rearing, capturing, storing, transporting, and trafficking in an individual or body part that are inseparable from the life or products of a single bear are viewed. Criminal prosecution.
Violations against 6 or more bears that have met the framework signs according to Clause 3 Article 244 of the Penal Code 2015 - amended in 2017 with a penalty of 10 - 15 years imprisonment for fish multiply.
Particularly, the act of advertising the sale of bears or their products or parts is considered an advertisement of prohibited goods and will be subject to an administrative fine of between VND 70 and 100 million according to Article 50, Decree 158/2013 / ND- CP (amended and supplemented by Decree 28/2017 / ND-CP).
{"0":{"short_content":"Eliminate bear farms\n"},"1":{"short_content":"Investigate and monitor activities of bear farms\n"},"2":{"short_content":"Cooperating in supporting law enforcement activities\n"},"3":{"short_content":"Communication campaigns - Awareness raising\n"}}
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